Look Alive Hat
Library Logo
Starlite: An ACNL Aviary
2014 Business Cards
Angela SkeesIllustrator, PORTFOLIO, asian, blue, design, inDesign, ink, logo, marketing, photoshop
Sugar Rush
Angela SkeesART, Illustrator, asian, cartoons, color, fanart, girl, ink, movies, photoshop, pop culture
The Skees'
Angela SkeesART, Illustrator, Laika, PORTFOLIO, comic, design, gingko, graphite, inDesign, ink, photoshop
Khyarete Cat
Angela SkeesART, Illustrator, advice, cartoons, color, design, graphite, ink, photoshop, totoro
More Fishes and a Little Me
My Little Sailor Moon
Nedroid Picture Diary Fan Art
Daisy Owl Fan Art
Tiny Kitten Teeth Fan Art
Happle Tea Fan Art
30DC: Day 6: Favorite Book Character
Monster Pulse Fanart
Avatar Time!
Agent Sonar
Doctor Cat Contest! WOO!
Trying Tilt Shift Photoshopping
Baby Shower