Little Black Marker

Whale Earbud Holder

This creation is kind of a follow up to the Mushroom that I made a few weeks back. Another birthday, another request. It's way better than trying to figure out what to buy someone when they just say make me that! So I did. 

This little guy is a little bit wider than the mushroom but still a very small project. This one was maybe an hour since it had a few more parts to it.
Parts and Buttons
Items Needed:
Body yarn (blue), Belly yarn (white), H hook, Two buttons

In blue or body color.
Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: *inc* (12)
Rnd 3: *sc, inc* (18)
Rnd 4: *2 sc, inc* (24)
Rnd 5: *3 sc, inc* (30)
Rnd 6-8: *sc* (30)
Rnd 9: *4 sc, inc* (36)
Rnd 10-12: *sc* (36)
Bind off. Weave in tails.

In white or belly color.
Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Rnd 2: *inc* (12)
Rnd 3: *sc, inc* (18)
Rnd 4: *2 sc, inc* (24)
Rnd 5: *3 sc, inc* (30)
Rnd 6: *4 sc, inc* (36)
Rnd 7: chain 6, to form first loop and secure in first stitch front loop with a sc, sc in front loops only next 10, chain 6 and secure with sc in 12th stitch for second loop, sc around in front loops only the remaining 24 stitches. (36)
Rnd 8-9: sc around (36)
Rnd 10: dec, sc4 (30)
Bind off.

Tail: (2)
one in body color, one in belly color - do belly one first.
Rnd 1: Chain 7, turn and sc 6 across (6)
Rnd 2: ch1, dec, scx2, dec (4)
Rnd 3: dec, dec (2)
Rnd 4: ch 4, 3-st trc cluster in first stitch , ch 4 slip stitch into same first stitch, slip stitch into next, repeat for second tailfin.
Bind off. The last row should form two tall peaks for the tail fins.
** 3-st trc cluster — join 3 trc into a cluster: * yrh twice, insert hook in ch-sp, yrh, pull loop through, [yrh, pull yarn through 2 loops] twice; rep from * twice, yrh and pull yarn through all 4 loops on hook.

Bind off belly color one, tuck in ends. Once finished with body color one, align belly up to it and sc around the edges of both to form one tail piece. Try to end at the side of the base of the tail and leave a long tail to sew to body with.

Fins: (2) in body color
Chain 4, 3-st trc cluster in third chain from hook, ch 4 slip stitch into same first stitch. Creates a single fin. Leave tail to sew to body.

Sew belly inside the body, so that the last row of the belly is about three rows up inside the body. Sew it about 15 stitches wide so that it can still open at the front around the eyes. Sew tail to the back outside behind the hinge. Sew buttons in appropriate spots to form eyes with the loops from the belly. Sew fins to bottom row of the body to the sides. If you want, embroider a small dot in white on the top towards the front for the blow hole. :)
Cute smile :) 
Say ahhhhhhhhh.
I used really negligible bits of yarn for this, so I could make a ton of these. Next time I make one I plan to just make the body one piece, switching colors and simply chaining an opening, then I could make it a lot smaller too. 

Super Easy, 1 hr. 
Angela Skeesblue, crochet, pattern